File types
- The following image formats are supported:
- PNG (including animated PNG)
- GIF (including animated GIF)
- For photos, we recommend using JPEG images (saved at maximum quality).
- If your image is an illustration with a lot of text or is a graphic with hard edges, we recommend using the PNG format.
- If your image has a transparent background (sometimes called an alpha channel), use the PNG format.
- In most cases we recommend that images have a minimum size of 5000 pixels on the long side.
Maximum image file size
- 40 MB
File types
- The following video formats are supported:
- mp4/MPEG
- In most cases we recommend that videos be at least HD (1080p).
Maximum video file size
- 500 MB
- Video files should be edited to the correct length before being uploaded.
File types
- The following audio formats are supported:
- mp3
Maximum audio file size
- 500 MB
- Audio files should be edited to the correct length before being uploaded.
File Names
- File names can use alpha numeric characters (letters and numbers), as well as spaces and dashes.
- We recommend that your file names not contain special characters, such as quotation marks, percentage symbols, etc. Doing so may cause problems when trying to use them in a story.