Editing Titles and Captions
When you add an asset to a story, the asset's title and caption information from the asset library are copied with it. You can customize this text to suit your needs for your story. To edit the text, roll over the asset thumbnail and click the pencil icon to open the settings window. Edits made to this asset text will only affect the version that is in this story. They do not change the title and captions of the asset in the asset library.
You can crop an image within your gallery. Within the editor window click on the pencil icon in the upper right-hand corner of the image thumbnail. This opens the cropping mode. Use this to select the crop of the image you would like to use in the gallery. Note that this crop will only apply to this specific use of the image. It won't change crops on any other places where you may have used the image, nor will it crop the master version of the image in the asset library.
You can change the order of the assets in a gallery. While in the assets section, roll over the asset you want to move, click and hold down, drag it to the position where you would like to put it, and let up.
To remove an asset from your gallery, roll over the thumbnail and click the check box icon for any asset you would like to remove. Then click Delete All. This only removes the assets from the story; the source assets remain in the asset library.