A base map is the "background" map of your map story. It shows natural geographic features such as rivers and bodies of water, and man-made features such as cities, parks and roads. The base map puts your highlighted points of interest in geographic context for your visitors.
Base Map Style
Base maps come in many different styles, and the type you choose depends on what works best for your story. To select a base map style, go to the Base Map section of your story. There you will find a dropdown list from which to select a style. Once you have selected a style for your map, click Save to save to style.
Base Map Position
You can also set up the starting position of your map story. Typically you want to zoom in close enough to give your visitors context, but zoomed out enough so all of your featured places will be visible. Use the search box and the map controls to position your base map how you would like it to appear at the start of your story. Then click Save to save this position.